Heawood map

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Heawood map
TypeRegular map, Regular toroid, Chiral polyhedron
Faces7 hexagons
Vertex figureTriangle
Petrie polygons3 tetradecagons
Abstract & topological properties
Flag count84
Euler characteristic0
Schläfli type{6,3}
SkeletonHeawood graph
SymmetryC7⋊C6, order 42
Flag orbits2

The Heawood map is a regular map. Its automorphism group dart-transitive, thus it is a regular toroid and a regular map. However is not an abstract regular polytope since its automorphism group is not flag-transitive.

With seven hexagonal faces, it has the least number of faces out of any toroid. It also has the unusual property that each of its faces is adjacent to all of the other faces.

It can be realized in 3-dimensional space with planar faces and without self-intersection as the Szilassi polyhedron.

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