Heptagonal-snub dodecahedral duoprism

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Heptagonal-snub dodecahedral duoprism
Bowers style acronymHesnid
Coxeter diagramx7o s5s3s
Tera20+60 triangular-heptagonal duoprisms, 12 pentagonal-heptagonal duoprisms, 7 snub dodecahedral prisms
Cells140+420 triangular prisms, 84 pentagonal prisms, 30+60+60 heptagonal prisms, 7 snub dodecahedra
Faces140+420 triangles, 210+420+420 squares, 84 pentagons, 60 heptagons
Vertex figureMirror-symmetric pentagonal scalene, edge lengths 1, 1, 1, 1, (1+5)/2 (base pentagon), 2cos(π/7) (top edge), 2 (side edges)
Measures (edge length 1)
Circumradius≈ 2.44451
Hypervolume≈ 136.69561
Diteral anglesTheddip–hep–theddip: ≈ 164.17537°
 Theddip–hep–pheddip: ≈ 152.92992°
 Theddip–trip–sniddip: 90°
 Pheddip–pip–sniddip: 90°
Central density1
Number of external pieces99
Level of complexity50
Related polytopes
DualHeptagonal-pentagonal hexecontahedral duotegum
ConjugatesHeptagonal-great snub icosidodecahedral duoprism, Heptagonal-great inverted snub icosidodecahedral duoprism, Heptagonal-great inverted retrosnub icosidodecahedral duoprism, Heptagrammic-snub dodecahedral duoprism, Heptagrammic-great snub icosidodecahedral duoprism, Heptagrammic-great inverted snub icosidodecahedral duoprism, Heptagrammic-great inverted retrosnub icosidodecahedral duoprism, Great heptagrammic-snub dodecahedral duoprism, Great heptagrammic-great snub icosidodecahedral duoprism, Great heptagrammic-great inverted snub icosidodecahedral duoprism, Great heptagrammic-great inverted retrosnub icosidodecahedral duoprism
Abstract & topological properties
Euler characteristic2
SymmetryH3+×I2(7), order 840

The heptagonal-snub dodecahedral duoprism or hesnid is a convex uniform duoprism that consists of 7 snub dodecahedral prisms, 12 pentagonal-heptagonal duoprisms, and 80 triangular-heptagonal duoprisms of two kinds. Each vertex joins 2 snub dodecahedral prisms, 4 triangular-heptagonal duoprisms, and 1 pentagonal-heptagonal duoprism.

Vertex coordinates[edit | edit source]

The vertices of a heptagonal-snub dodecahedral duoprism of edge length 2sin(π/7) are given by all even permutations with an odd number of sign changes of the last three coordinates of:

as well as all even permutations with an even number of sign changes of the last three coordinates of:


  • j = 2, 4, 6,