Hexafold dodecaswirlchoric symmetry

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Hexafold dodecaswirlchoric symmetry

Hexafold dodecaswirlchoric symmetry, also known as 3-swirldoic symmetry and notated H3●G2, H3+×12, or [5,3:3], is a 4D spherical symmetry group. It is the symmetry group of the uniform small swirlprismatic triacosihexecontitriacosihexecontachoron and small diacositetracontatriacosihexacontaswirlprismatic hecatonicosatriacosihexacontachoron.

Subgroups[edit | edit source]

Convex polytopes with H3●G2 symmetry[edit | edit source]

Uniform polytopes with H3●G2 symmetry[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]