Hexagonal-tetrahedral duoantiprism

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Hexagonal-tetrahedral duoantiprism
File:Hexagonal-tetrahedral duoantiprism.png
Bowers style acronymHatetdap
Coxeter diagrams12o2s4o3o
Tera48 triangular scalenes, 12 tetrahedral antiprisms, 6 digonal-hexagonal duoantiprisms
Cells144 digonal disphenoids, 96 triangular pyramids, 72 tetragonal disphenoids, 12 tetrahedra, 12 hexagonal antiprisms
Faces144+288 isosceles triangles, 48 triangles, 8 hexagons
Vertex figureDisphenoid-augmented triangular prism wedge
Measures (edge length 1)
Central density1
Related polytopes
DualHexagonal-tetrahedral duoantitegum
Abstract & topological properties
Euler characteristic2
Symmetry(I2(12)×(A3×2))/2, order 576

The hexagonal-tetrahedral duoantiprism, or hatetdap, is a convex isogonal polyteron that consists of 12 tetrahedral antiprisms, 6 digonal-hexagonal duoantiprisms, and 48 triangular scalenes. 2 tetrahedral antiprisms, 3 digonal-hexagonal duoantiprisms, and 5 triangular scalenes join at each vertex. It can be obtained through the process of alternating the dodecagonal-cubic duoprism. However, it cannot be made uniform.

Using the ratio method, the lowest possible ratio between the longest and shortest edges is 1: ≈ 1:1.14113. This occurs as the hull of 2 uniform hexagonal-tetrahedral duoprisms.

Vertex coordinates[edit | edit source]

The vertices of a hexagonal-tetrahedral duoantiprism, assuming that the edge length differences are minimized, centered at the origin, are given by:

with all even changes of sign of the first three coordinates, and

with all odd changes of sign of the first three coordinates.