Hurwitz's automorphisms theorem

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Hurwitz's automorphisms theorem is a theorem about the automorphisms of compact Riemann surfaces of genus ≥ 2, with implications for regular maps.

Statement[edit | edit source]

Regular maps[edit | edit source]

An orientable regular map, of genus , can have at most flags. A non-orientable regular map, of , can have at most flags

Automorphism groups[edit | edit source]

The automorphism group, , of a compact Riemann manifold, X , is the group of orientation-preserving conformal mappings from X  to X . For a smooth connected Riemann manifold of genus g  ≥ 2, its automorphism group, , has at most order .

Examples[edit | edit source]

For regular maps of genus 0 and 1 the Hurwitz bound does not apply. Regular maps of these genera can can have arbitrarily high flag counts. For example in n -gonal duocombs are genus 1 maps with flags.

Examples of regular maps with maximal flags
Genus Hurwitz bound Example regular map Orientation-preserving
Flag count Fundamental domain
2 84 P(8,3) 48 96
3 168 Klein map 168 336
4 252 Dodecadodecahedron 120 240
5 336 Fricke-Klein map 192 384

External links[edit | edit source]