Octahedron atop triangular cupola

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Octahedron atop triangular cupola
Bowers style acronymOctatricu
Coxeter diagramxoxx3oxox&#xr
Cells2+3 octahedra
2 triangular cupolas
6 square pyramids
Faces1+2+3+6+6+6+12 triangles
6 squares
1 hexagon
Edges3+3+6+6+12+12 3-fold
3 4-fold
Vertex figures3 cubes, edge length 1
 6 wedges, edge lengths 2 (two base edges) and 1 (remaining edges)
 6 skewed square pyramids, 1 (base and one side edge), 2 (two side edges), 3 (one side edge)
Measures (edge length 1)
Central density1
Abstract & topological properties
Euler characteristic0
SymmetryA2×A1×I, order 12

Octahedron atop triangular cupola is a CRF segmentochoron (designated K-4.30 on Richard Klitzing's list). As the name suggests, it consists of an octahedron and a triangular cupola as bases, connected by 4 further octahedra, 1 further triangular cupola, and 6 square pyramids. It also has a higher symmetry orientation with 3 layers of vertices: a triangle (joining two octahedra) on one side, a hexagon (joining two triangular cupolas) on the other side, and 6 vertices in between in the shape of a non-uniform triangular prism.

An octahedron atop triangular cupola segmentochoron can be cut into two triangular antiwedges. Three octahedron atop triangular cupola segmentochora can be joined around a shared hexagonal face to form the regular icositetrachoron.

Vertex coordinates[edit | edit source]

The vertices of an octahedron atop triangular cupola segmentochoron of edge length 1 are given by:

  • and all permutations of first three coordinates,
  • and all permutations of first three coordinates,
  • and all permutations of first three coordinates.

External links[edit | edit source]