Square dihedral bitrigyroprism

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Square dihedral bitrigyroprism
File:Square dihedral bitrigyroprism.png
Tera24 skew rectangular scalenes, 8 6-2 step prisms, 12 square-tetragonal disphenoidal wedges, 6 tetragonal disphenoidal antiprisms, 6 tetragonal disphenoidal prisms
Cells48 phyllic disphenoids, 48 sphenoids, 24 rhombic disphenoids, 12+12 tetragonal disphenoids, 48 skew rectangular pyramids, 24 wedges
Faces96 scalene triangles, 48+48+48 isosceles triangles, 24 rectangles, 6 squares
Measures (edge length 1)
Central density1
Related polytopes
DualSquare hosohedral bitrigyrotegum
Abstract & topological properties
Euler characteristic2
Symmetry(B3÷(B2×A1))×2, order 96

The square dihedral bitrigyroprism is a convex isogonal polyteron that consists of 6 tetragonal disphenoidal prisms, 6 tetragonal disphenoidal antiprisms, 12 square-tetragonal disphenoidal wedges, 8 6-2 step prisms, and 24 skew rectangular scalenes. 2 tetragonal disphenoidal prisms, 2 tetragonal disphenoidal antiprisms, 2 square-tetragonal disphenoidal wedges, 2 6-2 step prisms, and 8 skew rectangular scalenes meet at each vertex. It is the convex hull of two opposite tridiminished rectified hexatera. However, it cannot be made scaliform.

Using the ratio method, the lowest possible ratio between the longest and shortest edges is 1: ≈ 1:1.22474.