Triangular duoexpandoprism

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Triangular duoexpandoprism
Bowers style acronymTriddep
Coxeter diagramxo3xx ox3xx&#zy
Cells9 tetragonal disphenoids, 18 wedges, 6+6 triangular prisms, 9 rectangular trapezoprisms
Faces36 isosceles triangles, 12 triangles, 36 isosceles trapezoids, 18+18 rectangles
Vertex figureMirror-symmetric triangular antiprism
Measures (based on two triangular-hexagonal duoprisms of edge length 1)
Edge lengthsLacing edges (36):
 Edges of duoprisms (18+18+36): 1
Central density1
Related polytopes
DualTriangular duoexpandotegum
Abstract & topological properties
Euler characteristic0
SymmetryA2≀S2, order 72
Different view

The triangular duoexpandoprism or triddep is a convex isogonal polychoron and the second member of the duoexpandoprism family. It consists of 12 triangular prisms of two kinds, 9 rectangular trapezoprisms, 18 wedges, and 9 tetragonal disphenoids. Each vertex joins 2 triangular prisms, 1 tetragonal disphenoid, 3 wedges, and 2 rectangular trapezoprisms. It can be obtained as the convex hull of two orthogonal triangular-hexagonal duoprisms, or more generally triangular-ditrigonal duoprisms, and a subset of its variations can be constructed by expanding the cells of the triangular duoprism outward. However, it cannot be made uniform.

This is one of a total of five polychora that can be obtained as the convex hull of two orthogonal triangular-ditrigonal duoprisms. To produce variants of this polychoron, if the polychoron is written as ao3bc oa3cb&#zy, c must be in the range . It generally has circumradius .

Using the ratio method, the lowest possible ratio between the longest and shortest edges is 1: ≈ 1:1.14550.

Vertex coordinates[edit | edit source]

The vertices of a triangular duoexpandoprism, constructed as the convex hull of two orthogonal triangular-hexagonal duoprisms of edge length 1, centered at the origin, are given by:

External links[edit | edit source]